New Year, New You
Monday, January 13, 2020
As we wave goodbye to the 2010s and say hello to 2020, many of us may have planned a resolution for the new year. Much has been written about making resolutions, but I’ll share a tip that I read a year or so ago that has really helped me.
Instead of choosing a specific resolution, choose a theme. If you can distill the theme down to one or two words, all the better. Many people choose a resolution that is very detailed – “lose 15 pounds by summer” or “go to the gym every day.” It is easy to fall off the wagon with these types of resolutions. Once you miss a day or two at the gym, you may feel that you’ve failed and then you might stop working on the resolution altogether, believing the game is already lost. Choosing a theme gives you permission to fail but keep trying.
My theme for this past year was “wellness.” Though there were certainly times in the past year where my lifestyle was not aligned with my goal, I did return to my resolution numerous times through the year and used it to remind me to make choices in pursuit of the theme. Wellness meant a lot of things for me. I used the theme of wellness to remind me to eat better, get more sleep, exercise more, and do activities that felt rejuvenating. A broad theme helps you keep an open mind.
There are lots of themes you could choose for this year. Here are some ideas:
- Be more mindful.
- Move more.
- Cook more.
- Eat more fruits and vegetables.
- Eat less meat.
- Drink more water.
- Reduce caffeine.
- Create space.
- Try new things.
Now, make each of these goals REAL: be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timebound. (SMART). Write it down. Share it. Track it. Check out BJ Fogg’s Behavior change model:
This could be at the end of each week, month, or even once a quarter. Look back over your choices and actions and decide whether to continue or change course. Keep focused and accountable. Remember too that trying to make many changes at once is likely to be overwhelming. Consider focusing on one thing at a time. Take small steps. You can do it!
Best wishes for the new year!