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Miso-Tahini Spread

½ cup tahini (sesame paste) 
½ tsp. marjoram 
1 tbs. barley miso 
¼ cup water 
1 tbs. grated onion 

1. In small saucepan, roast tahini, stirring constantly until it turns the color of light coffee. Add marjoram and continue stirring for 6-8 minutes, scraping tahini off bottom of pan to avoid burning. Remove from heat and cool. 
2. Dissolve miso in water; add grated onion and gently mix into tahini. If mixture curdles, add extra water, a tablespoon at a time, until it is smooth. Refrigerated, this spread will keep for 3-4 days. 

Makes about ¾ cup. 
Per 1 tablespoon (20g): 75 Calories, 6.5g fat, 1g sat fat, 3.1g carbohydrate, 2.2g protein, 1.2g fiber, 1.1mg iron, 78mg sodium