Dianne Miranda Retires from Marlborough

A recent retirement letter from Dianne Miranda, UMass Marlborough Hospital.
Good afternoon,
Allow me to take you down Memory Lane.
I joined the UMass System as the Supervisor of Ultrasound in 1978. Dr Edward Smith was the Chairman and Dr Vassilios Raptopoulos was my mentor in Ultrasound. We had one ultrasound room, 25 years later had expanded to six.
I had the good fortune of joining UMass Marlborough Hospital as Supervisor of Ultrasound and Women’s Health Imaging Services.
I would like to thank our team of Sonographers and Mammographers for their high quality imaging and compassionate care they deliver to our patients every day and our wonderful clerical staff for their help and support. Thank you to our Radiologists we work hand and hand with.
Thank you Paul Riggieri, AVP of Diagnostic Services for your support and dedication and to the other Senior Management Leaders for your Services.
Our accomplished goals to be proud of:
- Standardized U/S protocols across campuses (thank you Dr Singer)
- U/S Breast Accreditation
- Breast Center of Excellence Accreditation
- Pilot Site for ABUS
- Pilot site for TC scores
- Pilot site for genetic testing (one + mutation result)
- Opening our newly constructed Women’s Imaging Center (accomplished during the Pandemic)
Time certainly flies!

I will be riding off into the Sunset of Retirement the end of September and will help with a smooth successful transition for my successor.

It has been truly rewarding working in the Health Profession and with all of you.
Dianne Miranda, RDMS, RVT, RT(R)
Supervisor of Ultrasound and Women’s Health Imaging Services
Marlborough, MA