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Radiology Interest Group (RIG)

Radiology Interest Group - UMass ChanMission Statement

The UMass Radiology Interest Group (RIG) is a student-run organization for those interested in the fields of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology. Our aims are to develop educational events relevant to the field of radiology, to provide mentorship throughout medical school and the residency application process, and to foster a sense of community among medical students, residents, fellows, and attendings.


  1. Any medical student currently enrolled at the UMass Chan Medical School is eligible for membership.
  2. RIG will have an annual meeting at the beginning of each school year after the activities fair, with the possibility of additional meetings if needed.
  3. Any member is encouraged to suggest ideas for future events to the current RIG leadership.

Student Co-Leaders

Please email any of the co-leaders, and we will be more than happy to add you to our email listserv!

Victoria Podsiadlo Awarded RSNA Trainee Research Prize


Victoria Podsiadlo (UMass Chan 4) was chosen by the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) Scientific Program Committee to receive the RSNA Trainee Research Prize for the research project she submitted: "Breaking the Stereotype: Interventions Aimed at Changing Medical Student Misperceptions of Radiology and Increasing the Female Match Rate" in the Health Service, Policy and Research category.

Newsletter article

Lyndia Personnat Invited to AAWR Dinner


UMass Chan Student Lyndia Personnat was invited to attend the American Association for Women in Radiology Dinner (AAWR) at RSNA this year. Lyndia has been a member and involved with AAWR throughout medical school. Lyndia reports on her experience with the association:

"I've been a member of AAWR throughout medical school and became more involved in the MIT section, consisting of mostly Residents and Fellows in Radiology and Radiation Oncology, over the past year. I currently serve on both the Webinar Development and Medical Student Engagement Subcommittees..."

Lyndia also presented a poster at the RSNA 2019 meeting in Chicago.

Read more in RadNews

UMass Chan Med Students Radiology Interest Group
Several of the 2017 Radiology Interest Group members (L to R): Minh Phan, Matthew Breen, Victoria Podsiadlo, Evelyn Guerra, Elizabeth Yuan, Kristina Prachanronarong, Ella Kipervasser, and Hannah Lin.

Past Events

Women in Radiology Panel

Learning from women UMASS radiologists and residents from multiple sub-specialties! Receive advice about career decisions and navigating Radiology as a woman in a male-dominated specialty.

Speed Mentoring

The UMass Chan Student Radiology Interest Group (RIG) coordinated a Speed Mentoring session with the Radiology Residents. Topics included IR, advice for applying to radiology residency, what it's like to be a radiology resident, what a career in radiology looks like, research, radiology sub-specialties, and electives available at UMass.

Careers in Radiology Panel Discussion

This event featured a panel discussion about careers in Radiology with faculty members representing a variety of subspecialties including interventional radiology, breast imaging, musculoskeletal imaging, pediatric radiology and neuroradiology. Attendees learned more about this highly innovative and evolving field in an informal panel discussion over pizza.

Women in Radiology

The goal of this event is to raise the profile of the field of Radiology to female medical students, and to discuss the benefits of choosing this field as a career. In particular, we will discuss barriers of entry to the field that are gender-specific, with a focus on how they can be overcome.

Documentary Screening - Without a Scalpel: The technology and people behind modern surgery

This short film is about the elegance, innovativeness, and power of image-guided minimally invasive surgery, better known as interventional radiology.

Radiology Residency Application Advice Night

A Q&A with fourth years, who have recently been through the application process, to answer questions about planning 4th year schedules, the application process and the interview trail.

Faculty Advisors

Maria Barile, MD  

Maria Barile, MD


Ryan Tai