Javzandolgor Nyamsambuu MD from Mongolia - 2019

Dr. Javza says "Generally, in Mongolia, diffuse and focal liver diseases are being detected and diagnosed by ultrasound, contrast-enhanced abdominal CT and liver biopsy. As Mongolia has one of the highest hepatitis C, B and B+D virus infection and liver cancer incidences in the world, we don’t perform liver MRI with contrast agent in daily clinical practice of our hospital. It is very new knowledge that how to perform liver MRI, how to read this exam and to review previous liver MR imaging at UMass for me. What I have learned at UMass will certainly be fundamental knowledge in my interpreting skill of Liver MRI."
During her stay at UMass, she spent 50% of the time observing clinical cases, attending lectures and conferences, and viewing teaching cases. Dr. Javza spent the other 50% of the time developing a radiology teaching file for use in her department in Mongolia.
Newsletter articleNina Baram MD from Israel - 2018

Attending radiologist from Israel, Nina Baram, MD was the first to complete the observesrhip at the Department of Radiology, as part of a new collaboration between the University of Massachusetts and Samson Assuta Medical Center in Ashdod, Israel.
"I spent 4 weeks as an observer in the Abdominal Imaging Division at the Department of Radiology. The doctors and the staff were extremely welcoming and quickly made me feel part of the team. During the observership I saw a lot of interesting cases, especially cases of abdominal and pelvic MRI, in addition I attended the multidisciplinary conferences. It was a great pleasure to work with all senior radiologists."
Delgerekh Saingargal, MD from Mongolia - 2017

Delgerekh Saingargal, MD "Degi" from InterMed Hospital in UlaanBaatar, Mongolia. Degi's special interests and expertise are in body imaging, ER radiology and non-vascular interventional procedures. Dr. Saingargal is the third Mongolian radiologist to study here at UMass for a two month long observership as part of an international education program directed by Professor Young Kim.
The InterMed Hospital is a new prestigious private, western style, multi-disciplinary hospital. Their imaging equipment is up to date, so Degi will be able to immediately implement protocols and techniques she has learned here.
Newsletter articleTakamitsu Tamura, MD, PhD from Japan - 2016

The New England Center for Stroke Research is host to visiting scholar and research fellow, Takamitsu Tamura, MD, PhD from Okinawa, Japan. Dr. Tamura’s research focuses on innovative procedures and techniques involving Interventional Neuroradiology for treatment of cerebral aneurysms and arteriovenous malformations. He has two goals in visiting this laboratory. One is to learn from expertise in isolation of cerebral aneurysms and other advanced procedures or techniques in Interventional Neuroradiology. The other is to learn about methods of design for new endovascular devices. His current project in the lab is creating a bifurcation aneurysm in animal model.
Newsletter articleDr. Fei Peng Zhu from China - 2016

Dr. Fei Peng Zhu, completed a visitation in 2016 at UMass for a two months study (clinical observation) in abdominal imaging under the guidance of Dr. Young Kim. Dr. Zhu is from the Department of Radiology at Jiangsu Province Hospital, the first hospital affiliated to Nanjing Medical University. His interest is in abdominal imaging with a focus on hepatobiliary disease. Dr. Zhu is also doing a clinical research studying Budd-Chiari’s syndrome with Dr. Kim and Dr. Daniel Burritt.
Orkhon Gombosuren, MD from Mongolia - 2016

Dr. Orkhon Gombosuren, who spent two months at UMass Chan Center from August to September in 2016, is currently working as a radiologist at Ulaanbaartar Sondo Hospital in Mongolia. Dr. Orkhon said, “I was fortunate to be able to improve my knowledge and interpreting skills through participating in this short term visiting fellowship program at UMass Radiology in the body division. Since my return, the experience studying at UMass has contributed a lot to my daily work. I was able to start reading pelvic MR independently. Importantly, I updated CT and MR protocols at our hospital based upon the protocols at UMass.”
Update from Mongolia Newsletter ArticleDr. Zaya Duisyenbi from Mongolia - 2015

Dr. Zaya Duisyenbi as a short term Visiting Scholar with the Department of Radiology from August 1, 2015 to October 1, 2015. Dr. Duisenbi is an attending radiologist at The United Family Intermed Hospital in Mongolia. Dr. Duisenbi completed her radiology residency training in 2008 and is now a general radiologist seeking to build her specialty in body imaging and breast imaging.
During her stay at UMass, she will spend 50% of the time observing clinical cases and procedures, attending lectures and conferences, and viewing teaching cases. Dr. Duisyenbi will then spend the other 50% of the time developing a radiology teaching file for use in her department in Mongolia.
Newsletter article