From the Viewbox - Playlists
FTV - Emergency Radiology
- Episode 1: Congestive Heart Failure on Chest Radiography
- Episode 14: The art of “taking a case,” and the importance of consultative radiology (Part 1)
- Episode 15: The art of “taking a case,” and the importance of consultative radiology (Part 2)
- Episode 30: Introduction to Imaging Acute Trauma
- Episode 31: Imaging of Acute Trauma - Solid Organ Injury

FTV - Noninterpretive Skills
- Episode 5: IV Contrast and Acute Adverse Reactions (part 1)
- Episode 6: IV Contrast and Acute Adverse Reactions (part 2)
- Episode 9: Basics of MR Imaging Safety (Part 1)
- Episode 11: Basics of MR Imaging Safety (Part 2)
- Episode 27: Gadolinium Based Contrast Agents (Part 1) - Intro & Safety
- Episode 28: Gadolinium Based Contrast Agents (Part 2) - NSF & GDD
FTV - Breast Imaging
FTV - Medical Student Episodes
FTV - Nuclear & Molecular Imaging
FTV - Neuroradiology
FTV - Special Episodes
- Special Episode 10: Diagnosis and Imaging Features of Covid-19 Infection
- Special Episode 20: Introduction to UMass Radiology
- Special Episode 23: Economic History of Radiology (Part 1) - Early Years & Independent Billing
- Special Episode 24: Economic History of Radiology (Part 2) - Advanced Imaging & Bubble Years
- Special Episode 25: Economic History of Radiology (Part 3) - The Bubble Years
- Special Episode 26: Economic History of Radiology (Part 4) - Conclusion