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Radiology Teacher of the Year

The UMass Chan Radiology Department Teacher of the Year Award was started in 1986 by the residents in the department who wanted to honor Dr. Umali for her teaching.  Each year the radiology residents select - by vote - the Teacher of the Year. 

Teacher of the Year Honorees:

  • 2024    Jean-Marc Gauguet, MD, PhD
  • 2023    Tasneem Lalani, MD
  • 2022    Alan Goldstein, MD
  • 2021    Ryan Tai, MD
  • 2020    Byron Chen, MD
  • 2019    Lacey McIntosh, DO
  • 2018    Young Kim, MD, PhD
  • 2017    Charu Desai, MD
  • 2016    Hao Lo, MD, and Larry Zheng, MD
  • 2015    Byron Chen, MD, and Joseph Ferrucci, MD
  • 2014    Carolynn DeBenedectis, MD
  • 2013    Joseph Makris, MD
  • 2012    Andrew Chen, MD
  • 2011    Christopher Cerniglia, DO, MEng
  • 2010    Young Kim, MD, PhD
  • 2009    Eugenio Suran, MD
  • 2008    Michael King, PhD
  • 2007    Jerry Balikian, MD
  • 2006    Joseph Makris, MD
  • 2005    Richard Waite, MD
  • 2004    Ketan Patel, MD
  • 2003    Jay Colby, MD
  • 2002    Susan Afonso, MD
  • 2001    Barbara Appignani, MD
  • 2000    Thomas Cummings, MD
  • 1999    Jay Colby, MD
  • 1998    Jerry Balikian, MD
  • 1997    Thomas Cummings, MD
  • 1996    Ronald Ragland, MD
  • 1995    Thomas Cummings, MD
  • 1994    Cynthia Umali, MD
  • 1993    Jerry Balikian, MD
  • 1992    James Kelly, MD
  • 1991    Barbara Biber, MD
  • 1990    Richard Waite, MD
  • 1989    Jay Colby, MD
  • 1988    James Coumas, MD
  • 1987    Ashley Davidoff, MD
  • 1986    Cynthia Umali, MD