CAPCaT Grant Award

Radiology faculty Robert Licho, MD and Michael King, PhD along with David Davenport from GE Research have been awarded a CAPCaT grant - Center for Advancing Point of Care Technologies.
Dr. Licho describes the project "We are helping GE Research to evaluate a modality they are developing called Electrical Impedance Tomography which, as the name suggests, measures the transmission (and impedance) of microcurrents of electricity through the patient’s thorax, tomographically, via ECG-like leads attached to the skin. This will hopefully help us to spatially assess blood flow and ventilation; we will compare this data to that from VQ scans. This modality if clinically accurate could be used in continuous monitoring of patients and perhaps in the future aid in the management of perfusion-respiration disorders such as ARDS."
CAPCaT is a partnership between UMass Chan Medical School and UMass Lowell. The center's mission is to support development and testing of promising late-stage, point-of-care technologies that can be rapidly deployed to enhance the diagnosis, monitoring, management and treatment of heart, lung, blood and sleep disorders. The center has an additional interest in projects that incorporate complementary and integrative health approaches. CAPCaT is supported by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.