Student Government Alliance (SGA)
Established in 2011, the UMass Chan Student Government Alliance (SGA) is the overarching student governance body. The SGA consists of the two elected officials from each school’s student governance group and the student trustee. The SGA promotes student communication and collaboration across the three schools, and serves as a resource for communicating and working with campus administration. The SGA provides representation for students across the three schools on Faculty Council and Executive Council and other campus-wide governing bodies and committees. The SGA reports to the Provost, and addresses matters of importance to students and submits recommendations expressing student views and concerns to administration (provost). The SGA oversees the campus student trustee election process. The SGA has a faculty advisor appointed by the provost and in accordance with their bylaws, the Provost meets with the SGA at least once per semester (fall and spring). Additional information, including members, can be found at:
This content is current to the 2021-2022 Student Handbook.