The On Call Center (OCC)
The OCC is a 'hoteling' space for medical students and residents when scheduled for overnight call.
The OCC area is equipped with a kitchenette, complete with refrigerator, toaster, microwave and eating area. The OCC area also includes a lounge with comfortable furniture and television for use while on call. The OCC has wi-fi and cell phone reception, which has been tested for the major carriers. A clinical computer will be available soon.
The OCC is located on the A Level of the Hospital.
Walking from the Medical School towards the Hospital, take a Right into the first hallway on A Level. You will pass the Parking Office, and the Neurology Clinic. The OCC will appear on the right immediately after Interpreter Services (located between the yellow and orange elevators).
Sleeping Rooms
4 multi bed rooms that can accommodate 4-8 students.
1 private room for students with special considerations.
3 additional private rooms are designated for Resident use only.
There are private male / female bathrooms.
Available in the hallway by the A Level Fitness Center.
Access to the OCC is through your UMass Chan Student ID Badge.
For additional security, each bedroom door is 'locked' with a Code key.
All students were informed of this code via email. If you've misplaced the code, please contact the Office of Student Affairs via email at and the code will be sent to you or stop by the Office of Student Affairs.
Reserving a room
Rooms area available on a first come first served basis.
A sign in sheet is located on the front of each bedroom.
If a bed is available, sign in.
Please be sure to change the sign on the door to reflect "Male or Female" occupants in the room for that evening.
Housekeeping issues please contact the number located inside of room.
Other questions please contact the Office of Student Affairs.