On Call Center (OCC)
The On Call Center (OCC) is located on Level A of the Hospital and is a ‘hoteling’ space for medical students and residents when scheduled for overnight call. It is equipped with a kitchenette, complete with refrigerator, toaster, microwave and eating area as well as a lounge room with comfortable furniture and television for use while on call. The OCC has wi-fi and cell phone reception.
The OCC has several sleeping areas to accommodate students and residents including:
4 multi-bed rooms that can accommodate 4-8 students each.
1 private room for students with special considerations.
3 additional private rooms are designated for resident use only in the OCC.
The OCC suite is equipped with a private male and female bathroom. Showers are available in an adjacent hallway.
Access: Access to the OCC is accessible using a UMass Chan Student ID Badge. For additional security, each bedroom door is ‘locked’ with a Code key. Each student will receive the code in the clerkship orientation materials provided to them at the start of any clerkship that has overnight call.
Reserving a room: Rooms are available on a first come - first served basis. A sign in sheet is located on the front of each bedroom. If a bed is available, sign in. Please be sure to change the sign on the door to reflect “Male or Female” occupants in the room for that evening.
Housekeeping issues: contact the number located inside of each room.
This content is current to the 2021-2022 Student Handbook.