Edward Smith Lecture 2024

We were delighted to welcome Dr. Pari Pandharipande, as the 17th Annual Edward Smith Lecturer. The annual lecture took place on June 24, 2024 at UMass Chan Medical School. The title of Dr. Pranharipande's presentation was "Connections Between Research, Hospital Operations and Leadership."
Dr. Pandharipande is professor and chair of radiology at The Ohio State University (OSU) and chief of radiology services for OSU Wexner Medical Center in Columbus, OH. She was previously at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) in Boston for 17 years as an abdominal radiologist and physician-scientist. Dr. Pandharipande serves on the RSNA Board of Directors as the Liaison for Government Relations, where she interfaces with federal agencies to accelerate imaging innovation and imaging care delivery in the US. She also serves on the RSNA Research Development Committee and the Radiology Editorial Board as an associate editor for health policy and practice. She has served as chair of the American Cancer Society’s Healthcare Outcomes, Policy and Systems (HOPS) grant review committee and is a new member of the NIH’s Organization and Delivery of Health Services (ODHS) study section. She serves on the advisory board of ACR’s Harvey L. Neiman Health Policy Institute and is a past president of the Radiology Alliance for Health Services Research within the Association of Academic Radiology.
Prior to serving as chair of radiology at Ohio State, Dr. Pandharipande served as associate chair of integrated imaging & imaging sciences at MGH, leading an enterprise-wide project at Mass General Brigham involving the clinical integration of the enterprise’s imaging services. At MGH, she also served as the director of the MGH Institute for TechnologyAssessment, a multidisciplinary health outcomesresearch institute. She also leads an ongoing NIH (R01)-funded research program centered in imaging andcancer outcomes. Her prolific career has garnered numerous awards in recognition of her research and leadership, and she has closely mentored more than 20 individuals who have themselves pursued successful careers in both academic medicine and private practice.
The Edward H. Smith, M.D. Annual Lectureship in Radiology at the UMass Chan Medical School has been established to honor Dr. Smith’s service over two decades as Chair of the Department. Dr. Smith’s vision for developing Radiology at UMass and his ability to attract and retain talented faculty created the foundations for the thriving Department we see today. In recognition of his leadership and dedication, this Lectureship will invite leaders of our specialty to share their clinical experience and scientific achievements.