Michael King, PhD Invited to Serve on Initial/ Integrated Review Group (IRG)

Michael King, PhD, Professor in Radiology recently received this invitation from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to serve as a Member of the Radiation Therapeutics and Biology Study Section (RTB). Congratulations Mike!
Dear Dr. King,
On behalf of Monica M. Bertagnolli, M.D., Director, National Institutes of Health I am pleased to invite you to serve as a Member of the Radiation Therapeutics and Biology Study Section (RTB), Biology of Development and Aging Integrated Review Group (BDA), CENTER FOR SCIENTIFIC REVIEW (CSR), for a term beginning 07/01/2024 and ending 06/30/2028.
Membership on an Initial/Integrated Review Group (IRG) represents a major commitment of professional time and energy as well as a unique opportunity to contribute to the national biomedical research effort. IRGs review applications submitted to NIH, make recommendations on the applications to the appropriate NIH national advisory council or board, and survey the status of research in their fields of science. These functions are of great value to the medical and allied research field.
You have been nominated because of your demonstrated competence and achievement in your scientific discipline as evidenced by the quality of your research accomplishments, publications in scientific journals, and other significant scientific activities, achievements, and honors. Service on an IRG also requires mature judgment and objectivity as well as the ability to work effectively in a group, additional qualities we believe you will bring to this important task.
Thank you for your consideration and we welcome and value your contributions to the peer review process.
Noni Byrnes, Ph.D., CSR Director