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Radiology Elective Course Description

Course Name: Diagnostic Radiology (no longer offered; effective 1/11/18)
Course Number: RA-400
Elective Type:
Coordinator(s): Contact Medical Education Office @ 413-447-2715
Stephanie Wade
Department: Radiology
Sites Available: Berkshire Medical Center
Months Offered: E1-M12
Number of Students / Month:
Prerequisites: 4th year student 
Enrollment Process: Approval from coordinator required; email approval to to schedule
Elective Description: The goal of this radiology elective is to acquaint the medical student with modern methods of diagnostic imaging, including routine roentgenography, fluoroscopy, ultrasound imaging, nuclear medicine imaging, CT scanning, special procedures, including interventional radiology. The object is to make the medical student aware of the importance of choosing appropriate means for solving diagnostic problems and relating this to cost effectiveness. 
Note: NA
Location: Berkshire Medical Center, 725 North Street, Pittsfield, MA  01201  