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Medicine Elective Course Description

Course Name: Infectious Disease
Course Number: ME-423
Elective Type: B1 

Thomas Treadwell M.D.

Rhonda Carlson 508-383-1572

Department: Medicine
Sites Available: MetroWest Medical Center
Months Offered: E1, M1 – M10
Number of Students / Month:
Prerequisites: Completion of 3rd year Medicine clerkship 
Elective Description: This 4th year student elective will consist of work-ups of patients with a variety of Infectious Diseases, working in a busy HIV clinic and exposure to basic epidemiology and clinical microbiology, and participation in the Infectious Diseases subspecialty conferences of the House Office Training Program. There will also be didactic teaching sessions on the pathophysiology of major infectious disease syndromes and the use of antimicrobial agents. 
Note: NA
Location:  MetroWest Medical Center, 115 Lincoln St., Framingham, MA 