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Medicine Elective Course Description

Course Name: Critical Care Medicine
Course Number: ME-409
Elective Type:

Daniel Steigman, MD

Contact:  Madelyn Amoroso

Department: Medicine
Sites Available: St. Vincent Hospital at Worcester Medical Center
Months Offered: M5-M10
Number of Students / Month: 1
Prerequisites: Completion of 3rd year 
Elective Description: To learn the: 1) Pathophysiology of failing vital organ systems; 2) Modes of invasive and non-invasive monitoring techniques; 3) Management of acute life-threatening complications of disease; 4) Principles of mechanical ventilation; 5) Interpretation of derived hemodynamic data.

The student will have extensive exposure to diverse pathophysiology, extensive bedside and didactic teaching in the very busy critical care units of SVH (>2000 admissions /year). Although most of the elective is spent in the MICU, students who request to receive experience and exposure to the surgical /trauma population may spend some time in the SICU as well. 
Note: NA
Location: St. Vincent Hospital at Worcester Medical Center, 123 Summer Street, Worcester, MA 01608