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Medicine Elective Course Description

Course Name: Cardiology TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE AS OF 2/14/2017
Course Number: ME-406
Elective Type: B1 

Contact: Elizabeth O'Brien - 508-754-7917  

Department: Medicine
Sites Available: UMMHC-Memorial Campus
Months Offered: E1, M1-M10
Number of Students / Month:
Prerequisites: Completion of 3rd year 
Enrollment Process: Approval from coordinator required; email approval to to schedule
Elective Description: The purpose of this course will be to provide a broad orientation and practical experience in modern clinical cardiology. The elective provides observation and teaching in non-invasive testing, nuclear cardiology, cardiac catheterization lab and cardiac rehabilitation. The elective also stresses the physical examination of the cardiac system and didactic teaching in ECG and hemodynamics.

The student will participate in the activities of a busy community hospital Cardiology Service. The student will be able to experience private office cardiology as well as hospital cardiology consultation and testing. The student will be assigned a specific preceptor who will direct and follow the student's work and progress. 
Location: UMMHC-Memorial Campus, 119 Belmont Street, Worcester, MA  01605 