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Rehabilitation & Recovery Issue Briefs &Tip Sheets

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Rehabilitation & Recovery

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Clubhouse Model
McKay, Corcoran - 2022

Brain Injury Clubhouses

McKay, Young, Johnson, & Seel - 2021

What Do You Know About Serving Southeast Asian Immigrants & Refugees? Here Are 5 Tips!

thumbnail of tip sheet

Top Tips for Running a Virtual Advisory Board Meeting


Coronavirus Economic Stimulus Payments: Who Gets It, How, & Impact on Other Benefits

Detecting and Intervening on Suicidality in Emergency Departments: The ED-SAFE Study
Boudreaux, Camargo, Miller & the ED-SAFE investigators - 2018

 Also available en Español 

thumbnail of tip sheet Tips for Mental Health Providers Working with Southeast Asian Immigrants/Refugees

Enhancing the Social Networks of People with Mental Illnesses: A Qualitative Study on the Role of Peer-Operated Recovery Learning Communities
Delman, Biebel, & Alikhan - 2016

Evidence Based Practices in Mental Health: Advantages, Disadvantages, and Research Considerations 
McKay - REVISED 2017

Also available en Español 

eMental Health Bridges Project: A Web Site Development Project to Provide Needed Mental and Physical Health Information to People with Serious Mental Illness
Martin, Nicholson, Biebel, Levin, Kostova, & Ahrens - 2016

Also available en Español

The Recovery Learning Community (RLC) Outcomes Study: Perspectives of RLC Participants
Delman, Albert & Simon - 2015

Also available en Español
Getting Aquainted with Stigma

Getting Acquainted with Stigma: A Brief Introduction
Rodrigues  - 2014

Also available en Español

Mental Illness, Advocacy & Recovery: Ready or Not?
Geller - 2012

Also available en Español

First Steps and Beyond: Incorporating Shared Decision Making (SDM) in Massachusetts Mental Health Services (Report and Recommendations from the 2009 Summit)
Delman, Foti, Mistler & Skolnick - 2011

Also available en Español 

MISSION Community Re-Entry for Women (MISSION-CREW):Program Development and Implementation
Pinals, Guy, Fulwiler, Leverentz, Hartwell & Aaker Orvech - 2011

Also available en Español 

Brain Injury Resources
McKay & Heffernan - 2012 

Also available en Español
   Additional products available in our Publications Archive