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Medicine Elective Course Description

Course Name: Pulmonary Medicine
Course Number: ME-433 
Elective Type: B1
Coordinator(s): Contact Medical Education Office @ 413-447-2715
Department: Medicine
Sites Available: Berkshire Medical Center
Months Offered: E1, M1-M10 
Number of Students / Month:
Prerequisites: Completion of 3rd year Medicine clerkship 
Enrollment Process: Approval from coordinator required; email approval to to schedule
Elective Description: The purpose of this elective is to introduce the senior medical student into the three main aspects of pulmonary medicine, i.e. pulmonary function lab, chest service, and intensive care. The student will actively participate in the care of these patients under the provision of the attending in pulmonary medicine and the senior resident. Extensive literature search will be required. The patients will be followed up by the medical students. 
Note: NA
Location: Berkshire Medical Center, 725 North Street , Pittsfield, MA  01201  