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Family Medicine & Community Health Elective Course Description

Course Name: Rural Family Medicine
Course Number: FC-419
Elective Type: B1 

Stephen Martin, MD., (Primary)
Suzanne Cashman, ScD, (Primary)

Department: Family Medicine & Community Health
Sites Available:

1. Caring Health Center (Great Barrington, Berkshires)
2. Hilltowns Health Center (Worthington)
3. Community Health Center of Franklin County  (Greenfield, Orange, Turner's Falls)
4. Cape Cod Community Health Center and Outer Cape Health Services (Cape Cod)
5. Island health (Martha's Vineyard or Nantucket)

Months Offered: Island Health and Cape Cod:
November through April
(Contact coordinator to discuss date availability)

Berkshires, Worthington, Orange, Greenfield, and Turner's Falls:
E1-through M10
Number of Students / Month:
Prerequisites: Completion of 3rd Year: Family Medicine, Pediatrics, Internal Medicine Clerkships 
Enrollment Process: Approval from coordinator required; email approval to to schedule
Elective Description:  Work closely with a family physician in rural practice.  Learn about the challenges faced by physicians working geographically distant from tertiary care.  Be involved in office practice, inpatient and nursing home admissions, rounds, as well as home visits.  Opportunities are available to work with community based programs, nurse midwives and integrative health providers. Placements include Martha’s Vineyard, Nantucket Island, Great Barrington, Worthington, Franklin County, and Hilltowns.

Location: Martha's Vineyard; Nantucket; Great Barrington; Worthington; Franklin County, Hilltowns

Website: Family Medicine & Community Health: