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Family Medicine & Community Health Elective Course Description

Course Name: Family Practice
Course Number: FC-401
Elective Type: B1

Frank Domino, MD 
Karen Rayla  774-442-4117

Department: Family Medicine & Community Health
Sites Available: Individual Preceptorship Sites
Months Offered: E1 - E2, M3 - M10
Number of Students / Month: 1
Prerequisites: Completion of 3rd year clerkships 
* Offered to UMass Students Only
Enrollment Process: Approval from coordinator required; email approval to to schedule
Elective Description: 1) To develop the student's ability to use the family medicine approach to problem solving and clinical decision making 2) To advance the student's knowledge of the clinical content of family medicine so that he/she has an increasing awareness of the most common cause of symptoms and the natural history of the common conditions 3) To expose the student to another style of family practice that can be contrasted with his/her experience in the core clerkship, thereby enriching his/her knowledge about family medicine as a viable and rewarding practice alternative. 
Location:  Individual Preceptorship Sites
Website: Department of Family Medicine & Community Health