Application Requirements
All applications to the UMass Chan Medical School/Worcester State Hospital Doctoral Psychology Internship Training Program should include the following information and be received no later than November 1st:
- Completed APPIC application
- Three letters of recommendation
- Graduate transcripts
- Program Director Certification of Internship Readiness
Applications should be directed to:
John P. Terry, PhD
Director of Psychology Intern Training
Worcester State Hospital
305 Belmont Street
Worcester, Ma 01604
Deadline: Due to the problems related to Hurricane Sandy, the deadline for submitting applications has been extended through Monday, November 5, 2012.
For further information, please contact John Terry, Ph.D., Director of Intern Training, Clinical Psychology Training Program, Worcester State Hospital, 305 Belmont Street, Worcester, Massachusetts 01604, or by email atterryj@ummhc.orgOffice phone # (508) 856 - 1461.