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Psychiatry Elective Course Description

Course Name: Community Psychiatry
Course Number: PS-400
Elective Type: B1 

Deborah Field, M.D.

Contact: Jennifer Hitchcock

Department: Psychiatry
Sites Available: Community Healthlink Sites in Worcester, (72 Jaques Ave.)*
Months Offered: E1, M2-M10 
Number of Students / Month: 1  
Prerequisites: Completion of 3rd year Psychiatry clerkship
*Alternative longitudinal elective, 1/2 day per week through the year 
Elective Description: To expose students to the special challenges and satisfactions of community and public sector psychiatry. To develop skills in the recognition, diagnosis, and treatment of the more severe and chronic mental disorders. To increase the student’s knowledge of diverse treatment options available in the community including case management, outreach, day treatment, residential treatment, respite care, social and vocational rehabilitation, and supportive/psychoeducational therapies. To develop skills in the psychopharmacological management of severe thought and mood disorders. To help students to appreciate the importance of the integration of biological, psychological, social and systems perspectives for the understanding of severe and chronic mental disorders. Focus on special populations can be arranged (i.e.,homeless, developmentally disabled, geriatrics, Latino, Southeast Asian, etc.) 

Electives may be arranged as a 4 week block, or may be spread over the course of the year by devoting 3-4 hours per week to outpatient work.
Addresses: 72 Jacques Ave., 26 Queen St.
Note: *Car required to get to community sites
Location: Community Healthlink Sites, Worcester, MA:72 Jacques Ave.