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Psychiatric Patient and Family Advisory Council

PFAC photo
Left to Right
Torbin Harding, Theresa Beauregard RN, Dr. Alan Brown, Thomas Landry
Middle: Dr. Marie Fusaro-Davis, Lori Dakin RN, Bob Carey, Crystal Lehto
Front: Madelene Stubbs, Anette Mysliwiec, Maggie Motyka, Denise Skrocki, John Orrell

PsyPFAC Mission Statement

The mission of the UMass Memorial Psychiatric Patient and Family Advisory Council (PsyPFAC) is to work together with the Medical Center to promote the best possible experience of care, healing, and recovery for psychiatric patients, families, and staff through listening, engaging, educating, and empowering.

PsyPFAC Vision Statement

The Psychiatric Patient and Family Advisory Council (PsyPFAC) seeks to promote the best possible experience of care, healing and recovery for psychiatric patients, families, and staff.