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David Smelson, PsyD

David Smelson, PsyD, is NCHV's Site Coordinator at the Bedford VA. Dr. Smelson is the Director of Translational Mental Health Research at the Bedford VA and Director of Co-Occurring Disorders at the VA New England Healthcare System. He is also professor and vice-chair for Clinical Research in the UMass Department of Psychiatry. Dr. Smelson has extensive clinical and research experience in working with the homeless and individuals with co-occurring disorders. This includes development of a co-occurring mental health and substance abuse treatment approach designed exclusively for Homeless Veterans. He has received funding from the VA HSR&D program through Merit Review, SDP and RRP mechanisms, the National Institute of Health-National Institute of Drug Abuse, the National Institute of Health-National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration-Center for Substance Abuse Treatment and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration-Center for Mental Health Services. Dr. Smelson also serves on the Mental Health and Substance Abuse Disorder QUERI Programs.