Educational Policy Committee (EPC)
The EPC is a primary governing body of the T.H. Chan School of Medicine and has the authority to determine policy for medical school education. The EPC has the responsibility for planning, implementing, supervising, evaluating, and continuously revising a coherent and comprehensive program of general medical education for the training of physicians. To access curriculum committee meeting minutes, policies, course reviews and other EPC materials visit the Educational Policy Committee sharepoint site.
Chair: Erin McMaster MD
Vice-Chair: Lela Giannaris PhD
Education Program Specialist: Victoria Cohen MPP
Student representatives: Ben Potee MS4, Zahin Ahmed MS3, Tyler Long MS2, Yasmeen Saeed MS1 (alternate)
The standing EPC Subcommittees are charged by the EPC to address issues including but not limited to: Curriculum; Academic Calendar and Daily Schedules; Student Feedback and Needs Assessment; Guidelines, Processes and Relevant Policies; Student Performance Assessment; Institutional Policies and Announcements; and Strategic Planning.
EPC Meets | 1st Monday 12:30-1:30p
Educational Policy Rules Committee (EPC Rules)
Chair: Erin McMaster MD
Vice Chair: Lela Giannaris PhD
Education Program Specialist: Victoria Cohen MPP
EPC Rules Meets | 3rd Monday 12:30-1:30p
LinC Curriculum Committees (EPC Subcommittees)
Core Clinical Experience Curriculum Committee (CCEC) (sunsetting after AY 23)
The CCEC is charged with oversight of policies and processes that impact the core clinical education of medical students and influence high level policy decisions. The CCEC also assists with time-sensitive issues for any working groups of the CCEC.
Chair: Nancy Skehan MD
Co-Chair: Peter Sell DO
Education Program Specialist: Jean Welker MA
Student representatives: Stella Barth MS3, Max Kinne MS3, Hannah Wisniewski MS3, Eli Brennan MS2 (2023-24 Rep), Karen Ghobrial MS2 (2023-34 Rep)
CCEC Meets | 2nd Monday 12:00-1:00p
Clerkship Directors Committee (CDC)
Chair: Mary Lindholm MD
Co-Vice Chair: Trish Seymour MD
Educational Program Specialist: Jean Welker MA
CDC Meets | 2nd Monday 1:00-2:00p
Advanced Studies Curriculum Committee (ASCC) (sunsetting after AY24)
The ASCC is charged with oversight of policies and processes that impact the advanced clinical education of medical students and influence high-level policy decisions.
Chair: Christine MacGinnis DO
Co-Chair: Majid Yazsani MD
Education Program Specialist: Pawel Chojnowski
Student representatives: Aya Abou-Jaoude MS4, Elizabeth Gootkind MS4, Elyssa Harris MS4, Camila Hernandez MS4, Courtney McMahan MS4, Valerie Zhu MS4
ASCC Meets | contact leadership for meeting dates & times
DEC 8 2023 | cjb