- Vista | At a Glance
- Vista Highlights
- Vista Assessments
- Vista Leadership Roles
- Vista Curriculum Committees
- Vista Longitudinal Leadership
- Discovery Phase
- Explorations Phase
- Horizons Phase
- Parallel Programs and Pathways
- Vista Development Content
- Vista | At a Glance
- Vista Highlights
- Vista Assessments
- Vista Leadership Roles
- Vista Curriculum Committees
- Vista Longitudinal Leadership
- Discovery Phase
- Explorations Phase
- Horizons Phase
- Parallel Programs and Pathways
- Vista Development Content
Vista Progression, Remediation, and Deceleration
- Fail full retest of the block → get an NCR for the block → remediate the following year
- Fail 3 focused retests during the first year (P1 through GI) or second year (CVS through endocrine/reproductive) → stop progress → remediate the following year
- In both cases, AEB to determine if this is a full-year remediation, or if this can be customized based on the blocks and student record
Options when remediating the following year
- retake an entire year after a leave of absence (LOA)
- retake an entire year after staying enrolled in a professional development course for the remainder of that initial year including relevant CAA experiences
- begin professional development option (5thyear) at time of curriculum pause and restart coursework at the time the failed coursework begins in the subsequent year
Retaking a Block
- Students must pass the block retest on the first attempt
- If they fail the block that they are retaking on the first attempt – will obtain an ‘NCR’ grade for the block – no focused retests will be allowed
Deceleration policies
- Students can attempt a block only twice; they must pass one of those attempts to progress
- Students can fail a block only once
- Students can withdraw from a block only once
- If they have not passed by the second attempt, they will be referred to the progress board
AUG 16 2022 | cjb