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Find the PDF version of the 2018-2019 Student Handbook here!
Section One: Academic Programs
I. MD Program
A. Requirements for the MD Degree
B. MD Program Curriculum
Transition to Medical School
Prerequisites & Required Info Access to Clinical Exp.
Formative Foundational Assessment (FFA)
Transition to Core Clinical Experiences
Core Clinical Experiences (CCE)
Flexible Clinical Experience (FCE)
Clinical Competency Requirement/ (CCCA)
Electives/Advanced Studies (AS)
Transition to Internship
Capstone Scholarship and Discovery Course
Emergency Clinical Problem Solver
Advanced Biomedical and Translational Sciences (ABTS)
II. MD/PhD PROGRAM at UMass Chan Medical School
III. 5 Year Combined Clinical/Translational Research & Master’s Degree in Clinical Investigation Program (CTRP/MSCI)
This content is current to the 2021-2022 Student Handbook.
PDF Version
Find the PDF version of the 2018-2019 Student Handbook here!