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The Annual Central Massachusetts Addiction Consortium Event

Families and Addiction Recovery:
Building Foundations for Hope and Healing

Friday, September 23, 2011
Independence Hall, 59 South Street
Shrewsbury, MA 01545
9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. (registration beginning at 8:30 a.m.)
Lunch is included.

Co-sponsored by
The Bureau of Substance Abuse Services (BSAS), Central Massachusetts Substance Abuse Association (CMSAA),
AdCare Hospital, Community Healthlink (CHL), Spectrum Health Systems, You Inc.,
Worcester Department of Public Health, Assumption College, the NASW , and
Division of Addiction Psychiatry & Center of Excellence on Addiction, UMass Chan Medical School

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Registration Form and Flyer

Pre-registration is now closed.  You may still register at the door.


Event Description


Learning Objectives and Registration Information



Event Description:

Substance addiction affects one in three families in the United States. During this day-long event, we will learn about and discuss current treatment, support and advocacy efforts to help families overcome the consequences of addiction, and reflect on evidence and experiences of successful recovery efforts. 

Comprehensive Program Includes:


Joanne Peterson

Keynote Speaker: Joanne Peterson, Founder and Executive Director of Learn 2 Cope, a successful family support network for families coping with addiction.



Jeff BaxterNancy Byatt Plenary Session: Jeffrey Baxter, MD and Nancy Byatt, DO
Medication-assisted treatment with a focus on pregnant and postpartum women.

Panel Discussion: The Multiple Facets of Family Recovery, with family members, peer advocates, and treatment providers.
Panel Participants:  Katina Ball, MS, Lori Joler, Teri Newman, M.Ed., LCSW; Mary Pfister


Steve FitzsimmonsLisa Fortuna

Timothy OFarrell

Informative Presentations:
The Place for Family Interventions on the Road to Recovery, Stephen Fitzsimmons

Behavioral Treatment for Latino Adolescents with Substance Addiction and Trauma History, and Implications for Family Recovery,  Lisa Fortuna, MD, MPH

Behavioral Couples Therapy for Substance Addiction,  Timothy J. O'Farrell, Ph.D., ABPP


 Open Forum: Mindfulness in Recovery with Audrey Hunter, RN, and plenty of opportunities to network and ask questions.


Learning Objectives & Registration

Attendees will:

  • Increase understanding of how an individual’s substance addiction affects family members;
  • acquire tools to assist families improve means of coping with addiction;
  • learn about evidence-based recovery interventions for individuals and their families. 

Continuing education (CE) credits will be available for addiction counselors (LADC and CADC), clinical social workers (LICSW), licensed mental health counselors (LMHC), Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists (LMFT): $50.00.

Attendance without CE credits: $20.00

Registration required. Scholarships available.  pdf iconRegistration Form