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Course & Clerkship Administrators

Foundations of Medicine 1 (FOM1) | through AY2021-2022

Course Name & Number Administrator
FM 101 | Principles of Human Genetics (PoHG) Deborah Elliott &
Pawel Chojnowski 
FM 102 | Building Working Cells & Tissues (BWCT) Victoria Cohen 
FM 103 | Integrated Case Exercises 1 (ICE/1)

Victoria Cohen 

FM 104 | Doctoring Clinical Skills 1 (DCS/1) Elliot Beane, Emily Brunelli & Aiesha Sojourner
FM 104-P | Doctoring Clinical Skills 1 (DCS-P/1) --> PURCH track students only Rose Clarke
FM 105 | Development, Structure, & Function (DSF) Victoria Cohen &
Pawel Chojnowski
FM 106 | Principles of Pharmacology (PoP)  
FM 107 | Cancer Concepts (CAC) Pawel Chojnowski
Maryann Bishop-Jodoin
FM 108 | Host Defense & Blood (HDB) Deborah Elliott & Aiesha Sojourner 
FM 109 | Infections (INF) Anita Amin
FM 110 | Determinants of Health (DOH/1) Victoria Cohen
FM 112 | Foundations of Health & Disease (FHD) Deborah Elliott
TMS | Transition to Medical School Curriculum Jean Welker
XX 1010 | Capstone Scholarship Discovery (CSD) Colleen Burnham

Foundations of Medicine 2 (FOM2) | through AY2022-2023

FM 201 | The Brain (BrainNSB/2) Michael Sweeney &
Jean Welker
FM 202 | Patients (PAT/2) Emily Brunelli & Michelle Santucci
FM 203 | Integrated Case Exercises 2 (ICE/2) Victoria Cohen
FM 204 | Doctoring Clinical Skills 2 (DCS/2) Elliot Beane, Emily Brunelli & Aiesha Sojourner
FM 204-P | Doctoring Clinical Skills 2 (DCS-P/2) --> PURCH track students only Rose Clarke
FM 210 | Determinants of Health, PHC (DOH/2) Victoria Cohen
FM 210-P | Determinants of Health, PHC (DOH-P/2) --> PURCH track students only Rose Clarke
FM 211 | Organ Systems Diseases (OSD) Deborah Elliott
XX 2010 | Capstone Scholarship Discovery (CSD) Colleen Burnham

Core Clinical Experiences (CCE) | through AY2023-2024

Family Medicine Clerkship Karen Rayla
Pediatrics Clerkship Maxine Schmeidler
Psychiatry Clerkship Stacey Mosley
Medicine Clerkship Rebecca Sulyma
Neurology Clerkship Lois Holmes
Surgery Clerkship Marilyn Lavergne
Obstetrics & Gynecology Clerkship Lori Allard
Flexible Clinical Experiences (FCE) Colleen Burnham
Interstitial Curriculum (ISCs) Pawel Chojnowski
XX 3010 | Capstone Scholarship Discover (CSD) Colleen Burnham


Core Clinical Experiences (CCE-P) PURCH track and Baystate Health Clerkships | through AY2023-2024

Family Medicine Clerkship Rhonda Caouette
Pediatrics Clerkship Erica Lunden
Psychiatry Clerkship June Plasse
Medicine Clerkship Laura Slowick 
Neurology Clerkship Sheila Ortiz
Surgery Clerkship Margarita Fuentes-Negron 
Obstetrics & Gynecology Clerkship Christine Sealander 
Flexible Clinical Experiences Rose Clarke
XX 3010 | Capstone Scholarship Discovery (CSD) Latirah Cisero

Advanced Studies (AS) | through AY2024-2025

Emergency Clinical Problem Solving (ECPS) Jennifer Bernstein
Advanced Biomedical & Translational Sciences (ABTS) Eric Mick
XX 412 | Senior Scholars Program Michael Sweeney
XX 4010 | Capstone Scholarship Discover (CSD) Colleen Burnham

Longitudinal Courses

Capstone Scholarship & Discovery Course Colleen Burnham
Learning Communities  Victoria Cohen
PURCH (Baystate) track Rose Clarke
Global Health Pathway Pawel Chojnowski
Rural Health Pathway Suzanne Cashman
Clinical Translational Research Pathway Anne Michelson
Optional Enrichment Electives Susan Hogan - COURSE DIRECTOR
Karen Morrissey - Administrator

Other Important Contacts

Academic Instructional Design & Technology (formerly Academic Computing Services) Contact for Echo360, retroactive BBL access (access to years past), or ExamSoft help.

Communications Technologies (A/V Services)
Contact for deskside assistance with equipment i.e. microphones, in-room computers & Zoom connectivity.
Call 508-856-3938

Center for Academic Achievement Contacts for preclinical and clinical academic support & evaluation.
Environmental Building Services (EBS - room setup)
Contact for room set up i.e. movement of furniture, etc.
Call 1-508-856-5212

Online Exams - General Information

Two-Device Remote Proctoring via ExamSoft

Process document outlining the two-device remote proctoring model.

Using ExamSoft for Remote Exams

Document outlining the process for accessing and administering ExamSoft exams remotely.

Online Exam Administration Guidelines

Document outlining protocol for any connectivity issues encountered during the administration of online exams. 


The Dean has authorized the department of Undergraduate Medical Education to identify up to 3 additional (i.e. outside of the exam-distributing course) proctors for exams as needed such that there can be one proctor for each room in the iTLC. In order to coordinate this effort and manage the exam, the course must supply at least one proctor familiar with the course and process, identified as the 'Chief Proctor'. This person could be a faculty or staff member who would instruct the students on basic procedure and to be available to answer process questions. 

The additional proctors will come from our shared course administrator pool including school librarians. Their purpose is to circulate around the space periodically, observing student behavior to identify any who seem to be utilizing their laptops out of accordance with test procedures. 

Anyone wishing to use this proctor service should please contact the Office of Undergraduate Medical Education (508-856-2285) noting the course name, number of proctors requested, date and time required as well as the location of the exam and the chief course proctor’s name. Please allow one week’s notice whenever possible to facilitate scheduling.