Sangkeun Chung MD, PhD
Dr. Chung is professor and chair of the Department of Psychiatry at Chonbuk National University Medical School in Korea. He is visiting professor in our department beginning Monday, Aug. 16, 2010 (through Jan. 31, 2012). Currently on sabbatical from his Chair's position, Professor Chung joins our department working with Dr. Doug Ziedonis [link to his faculty page] on their mutual interests in tobacco addiction and smoking cessation as well as collaborative research efforts with Dr. Sun Kim [link to her faculty page if she has one] and other members of our faculty on culturally-tailored treatment of tobacco dependence in native Korean and American-Korean smokers. His research interests include mood disorders, tobacco dependence, and cultural psychiatry.
Professor Chung is extremely accomplished in the psychiatry field in Korea. Among the many high-impact positions he’s holding are president of Korean Bipolar Forum, vice president of Korean Society for Depressive and Bipolar Disorders, director of the Planning Committee of Korean Academy of Anxiety Disorders, secretary general of Jeonju Schoolroom for Smoking Cessation, Jeonju, Korea, and regular member of Korean Academy of Addiction Psychiatry. He likes power walking and plays ‘Sogeum,’ a small bamboo transverse flute. He has an office in Biotech One and can be found in the global address.