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New faculty members welcomed

Faculty members who have joined the Department of Psychiatry during the past several months gathered for a welcoming reception (Nov. 28, 2012) with staff and faculty, division directors, and senior department leaders including Chairman Douglas Ziedonis, MD, MPH; Jean King, PhD, vice chair of research, and Jean Frazier, MD, vice chair of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, among others. Luanne Thorndyke, vice provost for faculty affairs, gave an overview of her office’s functions.

Faculty 1

From top, left to right: Aaron Frenz, MD, Jean King, PhD, professor and vice chair of research; and Kathryn Fleming-Ives, MD, assistant professor and associate training director, Adult Psychiatry Residency Program; Kensuke Futai, PhD, assistant professor, Brudnick Neuropsychiatric Research Institute; and David Cochran, MD; (back row) Phoebe Moore, PhD, assistant professor; Dr. Cochran; Ryan Coffman, MPH, of the Tobacco Consultation Service; and Karl Chiang, PhD, Adult Consultation & Liaison Service.

Photos by Dennis Nealon


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