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Young Adults in the Extended Mental Health Systems of
Massachusetts in the 21st Century


8:10 a.m. Opening Remarks
8:15–8:45 a.m. Welcoming Remarks
Amp III Jeffrey Geller, MD, MPH
Barbara Leadholm, DMH Commissioner
Douglas Ziedonis, MD, MPH
8:45–10:15 AM: PLENARY I
Typical Development in Emerging Adulthood Amp III Jeffrey Arnett, PhD
10:15–11:15 AM: PLENARY II
A Strength-Based Approach to the Most Frequently Made Mistakes in Treating Transition Age Youth Amp III Maryanne Davis, PhD
11:15 AM–12:15 PM: Session I
Treating Transition-Age Youth with Psychiatric Medications: What’s the Same as Adults, What’s Different? Amp III Caroline Fisher, MD, PhD
12:15–1:30 PM: Intermission and Lunch Break
Lunch Break    
1:30– 2:20 PM:
Transition Age Youth at a Clubhouse: Perspectives from Members and Staff of Genesis Club   Ruth Osterman, Beth Griffin and Jeremy Hill
2:20–3:10 PM: PLENARY III
Being Creative with Resources to Implement and Sustain Programs for Transition-Age Youth Amp III Susan Wing, DMH Northeast Area Director
3:10–4:00 PM: PLENARY IV
Burning Down, Burning Up, Transition-Age Youth and Fire-Setting Amp III Jeffrey Geller, MD, MPH
4:00–4:30 PM: Wrap Up/Conclusion