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Class of 2020 intern prep


This page is a resource for all of you whether you are moving forward as a ‘surge contractor’ or prepping for your move to a new institution.

Resources and schedule for Surge Contractors (Surge c’s) starting Wednesday April 8, 2020 at UMMHC University or Memorial Campuses.


Topic reviews
  • Fever
  • Community Acquired pneumonia
  • Acute chest pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Acute kidney injury
Tests and imaging 
Common on call issues – (wise MD) 
Code scenarios 
Teamwork and transitions 
  • Transitions of care 
  • Teamwork 
Epic tutorial 


  • Sunday:  
    • Begin to review online modules 
    • ACLS trainees complete required pre-work 
  • Monday:  
    • Online module review 
    • GIM/COVID zoom if available  
  • Monday afternoon – ACLS trainees only (1-5 zoom case review with Jorge) 
  • Tuesday morning:  
    • final module review 
    • CMR zoom 
  • Tuesday afternoon:  
    • shadowing with teams on service (schedule from CMR) 
  • Tuesday evening:  
    • Hands-on ACLS manikin training 
  • Weds:  
    • start on service  
    • those without ACLS, complete manikin training and staggered start 


We are offering unique ACLS that will provide AHA certification for all grads who were locked out of ACLS at the end of this year.  (click here if you are not sure if you qualify for this, those highlighted in yellow are moving forward as Surge C’s and will be prioritized to allow local credentialing) link to list 

This training includes online pre-work, a zoom problem solving session and hands-on individual manikin-based application.  The latter will occur in iCELS under current physical distancing and PPE guidelines.   

Please contact Jorge Yarzebski, Jr at with any questions. 

Resources for all Class of 2020 graduates

In addition to these resources you have access to your BBL courses for one year after graduation, and to the library for at least 2 months, including this website where we have collected additional cases and references to support your next stage of independent learning:

We welcome you as our newest UMass alumni, celebrating what you have already given us at UMass Chan and what you offer to our profession and the world.