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Academic Personnel Policy of The UMass Chan Medical School

Document T95-022 as Amended by the Board of Trustees December 8, 2017

The Academic Personnel Policy (APP) includes all policies related the appointment, promotion, tenure and termination of faculty. Click on the links below to review each Article.

Click here to download the complete APP (pdf).

In late Spring 2015 the campus initiated the revision of the APP.  Click here to learn more.


Article 1. Authority, Definitions, Standards
This article describes the authority of the APP and the process for amendment, definitions of common terms, and standards such as academic freedom, conflict of interest, confidentiality, and the rights of faculty in personnel matters.

Article 2. Areas of Academic Evaluation
This article describes the areas for evaluation of faculty for appointment, promotion, and tenure and includes the definition of the Areas of Distinction, Scholarship, Education Activities, and Academic Reputation and Service.

Article 3. Appointment and Promotion
This article describes the academic ranks and tracks, types of appointment, the evaluation of candidates for appointment and promotion, the eligibility and criteria for each academic rank, the procedures for appointment and promotion, appointment of visiting faculty, and emeritus status.

Article 4. Tenure
This article describes all policies and procedures related to tenure, including the criteria for tenure, tenure guarantees, the tenure track, procedures for the award of tenure, periodic multi-year review, salary reduction of tenured faculty, and termination of tenured faculty.

Article 5. Employed Faculty
This article describes the terms and conditions for faculty employed by UMass Chan, UMMHC, or an external foundation or agency and includes the procedures for the Annual Performance Review (APR) and sabbatical.

Article 6. Other Faculty Appointments
This article describes the terms and conditions for faculty who employed by other entities, including Affiliate (formerly the voluntary faculty), Adjunct, Visiting, and Professional Staff Faculty.


Examples that provide evidence of achievement at each level are listed in Tables 1–5:

  1. Health Care Delivery: Examples that Provide Evidence of Achievement at Each Level
  2. Education: Examples that Provide Evidence of Achievement at Each Level
  3. Investigation: Examples that Provide Evidence of Achievement at Each Level
  4. Population Health and Public Policy: Examples that Provide Evidence of Achievement at Each Level
  5. Academic Service: Examples that Provide Evidence of Achievement at Each Level