Early Psychosis Professional Education Event
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Faculty Conference Room (S1-342)
UMass Chan Medical School
55 Lake Ave. N, Worcester, MA 01655
Registration Form
This event is partially supported by the Sidney R. Baer, Jr. Foundation.
Event Description | Registration Fee | Continuing Education (CE) Credits | Cancellation Policy | Questions/Contact |
Agenda | Group and Discounted Fee | Weather Emergency Policy | Faculty Disclosure |
Event Description: The education event will feature didactic presentations, panel discussions and Q and A components to address early detection, coordinated care and education on services and resources available for patient care in early psychosis in the central Massachusetts area.
Target Audience: psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, mental health counselors, peer specialists, families and others.
Instructional Level: Introductory
8:00- 8:15 AM |
Registration Check-in | UMass Chan Medical School, S1-342 Faculty Conference Room |
8:15- 8:25 AM |
Welcome and Introduction | Kathy Sanders, MD Deputy Commissioner for Clinical & Professional Services State Medical Director Massachusetts Department of Mental Health Marie Hobart, MD Associate Professor of Psychiatry, UMass Chief Medical Officer, Community Healthlink, Inc. Douglas M. Ziedonis, MD, MPH Professor and Chair, UMass Chan/UMMHC Department of Psychiatry |
8:25- 9:25 AM |
From High Risk State to First Episode Psychosis: Scientific and Clinical Developments | Larry Seidman, PhD Professor of Psychology, Harvard Medical School Department of Psychiatry Vice Chair (Research), Massachusetts Mental Health Center Public Psychiatry Division of the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) |
9:25- 10:25 AM |
Pharmacologic Intervention for Early Psychosis | Oliver Freudenreich, MD Associate Professor of Psychiatry Co-Director, Schizophrenia Program Harvard Medical School/ Massachusetts General Hospital |
10:25- 10:35 AM |
10:35- 11:35 AM |
Comorbid Medical Problems | Xiaoduo Fan, MD, MPH Associate Professor of Psychiatry, UMass Chan Director, UMass Chan Psychotic Disorders Program Director, STEP Clinic |
11:35- 11:50 AM |
Morning Speakers |
11:50 AM- 12:35 PM |
Lunch and Networking Jacques 5 Band Live Performance Exhibits |
12:35- 1:20 PM |
Co-occurring substance use | Amy Harrington, MD Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, UMass Chan Director, Substance Treatment Services Community Healthlink, Inc. |
1:20 – 2:05 PM |
Psychosocial Interventions | Irene Coletsos, MD Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, UMass Chan Community Healthlink, Inc. |
2:05- 3:05 PM | Open Dialogue | Douglas M. Ziedonis, MD, MPH Professor and Chair, UMass Chan/UMMHC Department of Psychiatry UMass Open Dialogue Team Eileen Small, MSW Research Project Director UMass Open Dialogue Team |
3:05- 3:15 PM |
3:15- 4:00 PM |
Psychosis in Youth with Comorbid Developmental Concerns | Yael Dvir, MD Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Pediatrics, UMass Chan Director, Psychosis and Mood Disorders Clinics CANDO - Center for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders |
4:00- 4:15 PM |
Screening and Treatment of Early Psychosis (STEP) at Community Healthlink | Sarah Langenfeld, MD Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, UMass Chan Medical Director, Community Healthlink, Inc. Outpatient Service Medical Director, STEP Clinic |
4:15- 4:40 PM |
Community Resources/Working Together | Afternoon Speakers |
Registration Fee: $160. The registration form and check should be mailed prior to deadline. The deadline for registration is Friday, March 3, 2017.
On-site and late registration: $175
Group and Discounted Fee: $130. Institutions and organizations that enroll 5 or more persons at the same time are offered a discounted rate of $130.
Continuing Education (CE) Credits: In order to receive continuing education credit or contact hours for an event, participants MUST sign in, MUST remain for the entire program, and MUST submit an evaluation upon the conclusion of the program.
Physicians: The UMass Chan Medical School designates this live activity for a maximum of 7.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Nursing: This offering meets the requirements for a maximum of 8.7 contact hours, as specified by the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Nursing (244-CMR 5.04). Each nurse should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.
Non-physician Health Care Professionals (e.g.,LSW, LMHC, etc.): Non-physician health professionals and other participants will be eligible to receive 7.25 continuing education hours..
Psychologists: The UMass Chan Medical School, Department of Psychiatry is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The UMass Chan Medical School, Department of Psychiatry maintains responsibility for this program and its content. This program is being offered for 7 continuing education credits (CE) for psychologists.
Weather Emergency Policy: In the event of a weather cancellation, the event will be hosted on Wednesday, April 12, 2017.
Cancellation Policy: If you cancel your registration before Feb 17, 2017 your fee is refundable less a processing fee. After that date, no refunds will be given for any reason—including weather and other emergencies. Substitutions are always acceptable with prior notification.
Statement on Faculty Disclosure: The UMass Chan Medical School Office of Continuing Medical Education requires the financial disclosure of any relevant financial interest or other relationship that a faculty member or activity planner has with the manufacturers of any commercial product(s) discussed in the educational presentation. All faculty and activity planners are required to comply and will not be able to participate in the educational activity unless they do so. Faculty members are also required to disclose if the product being addressed is not labeled for the use under discussion. Compliance that this disclosure has taken place must be documented.
Questions: Please call at 508-856-MIND or email mind@umassmed.edu for any questions regarding the event.
UMass Psychotic Disorders Program
UMass Chan Medical School
365 Plantation Street
Biotech One Suite #100
Worcester MA 01605