33rd Annual Public Sector Psychiatry Conference
"Communicating With and About Persons With Mental Illness:
The Tried-And-True and the New"
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Worcester Recovery Center and Hospital
7:30am - 4:30pm
K2 Conference Room
Worcester Recovery Center and Hospital
309 Belmont Street
Worcester, Ma 01604 Directions and Parking Info
This program is Co-Provided by UMass Chan Medical School
and the Department of Mental Health, Central MA Area
Target Audience:
Public Sector: psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, social workers, occupational therapists, peer specialists, families, and others
The 33rd Annual conference will focus on various topics related to communication and modes of communication with individuals that are experiencing mental illness.
Overall Conference Goal:
To provide healthcare providers with evidence based information on new methodologies of communicating with individuals with mental illness without losing sight of the time-honored values of the doctor-patient relationship.
Overall Conference Objectives:
- Participants will be able to describe three (3) benefits of telepsychiatry.
- Participants will be able to explain three (3) risks modern communication tools pose to the doctor-patient relationship.
- Participants will be able to demonstrate how the principles of Open Dialogue can be used with a public sector outpatient population.
Advocating for Persons with Mental Illness
John Snook, Esq.
Executive Director
Treatment Advocacy Center
Rachel Zinns, MD, EdM
Medical Director, e-Psychiatry
Chief, Outpatient Behavioral Health
Westchester Medical Center
Mobile Health Meets Mental Health: Understanding the Evolving Role of Smartphones, Apps, and Sensors
John Torous, MD
Co-Director of the Digital Psychiatry Program and Staff Psychiatrist
Medicine: Clinical Informatics
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Persons with Lived Experience
Earl Miller, CPS
Coordinator of Peer Roles
Center for Human Development
Jessica Bourassa
Peer Support Worker
The Brien Center
Robby Zucker
Peer Support Worker
The Brien Center
Eating Disorders
Laura Roias, LICSW, CEDS
Program Director
Walden Behavioral Care - Worcester Clinic
Using Open Dialogue in Public Sector Community Populations
Christopher Gordon, MD and Co-Presenters
Senior Vice President and Medical Director, Advocates
Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School
Keegan Arcure, LMHC
Project Manager for Collaborative Pathway and Open Dialogue Services, Advocates
Amy Morgan, MSW, LICSW, CPRP
Director of Behavioral Health Residential Services, Advocates
Registration Fee: $160. Registrations should not be mailed unless receipt can be guaranteed by Friday, June 9, 2017. On-site registration: $175.
Group and Discounted Fee: $110. Employees of the Department of Mental Health are offered a discounted rate of $110. Institutions and organizations that enroll 5 or more persons at the same time are offered a discounted rate of $110.
This fee for this educational event is tax-deductible.
Deadline: Pre-registration will be closed when space is full or at 5 p.m. on Friday, June 9, 2017 at the latest. Registration should not be mailed unless receipt before that time is guaranteed. On-site registration will not be accepted when space is full—so register early.
Cancellation Policy: If you cancel your registration before May 30, 2017 your fee is refundable less a $25 processing charge. After that date, no refunds will be given for any reason—including weather and other emergencies. Substitutions are always acceptable with prior notification.
Weather Emergency Policy: While the probability of delay or cancellation of the conference is highly unlikely, we recognize that we are all subject to the vagaries of New England weather. If a weather emergency does occur, and you are in doubt as to whether or not the course will be held, call (508) 368-0704 before 4 p.m. on Monday, June 12, 2017.
Comfort: Business casual is very appropriate for this conference. Although every attempt will be made to ensure the comfort of our attendees, we suggest that you may wish to bring a sweater/jacket if you tend to be chilly.
Further Information and Special Needs: Conference site is an accessible, barrier-free location. Individuals with visual and/or hearing impairments, call (508) 368-0704 for assistance.
Statement on Faculty Disclosure: In accordance with the standard and the criteria set forth by the ANCC COA, speakers are asked to disclose the absence or presence of any relationship they have to companies producing pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, prosthetics, etc. that might be germane to the content of their lecture. Such disclosure is not intended to suggest or condone bias in the presentation, but is elicit to provide the attendees with information that might be of potential importance to them. No relevant conflicts of interest have been identified by the presenter or any members of the planning committee.
Continuing Education (CE) Credits:
In order to receive continuing education credit or contact hours for an event, participants MUST sign in, MUST remain for the entire program, and MUST submit an evaluation upon the conclusion of the program.
CE Application has been submitted for Social Workers, Psychologists, Registered Nurses and Occupational Therapists.