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32nd Annual Public Sector Psychiatry Conference

"Where Mental Illness and Violence Intersect"

Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Worcester Recovery Center and Hospital

309 Belmont Street
Worcester, Ma 01604
 Directions and Parking Info 

 Registration Form

This program is Co-Provided by UMass Chan Medical School
and the Department of Mental Health, Central MA Area

  Conference Description and Objectives Registration Fee Deadline Weather Emergency Policy Further Information/
Special Needs
CE Credits  
  Speakers and Topics Group and Discounted Fee Cancellation Policy Comfort Policy on Faculty and Provider Disclosure    

Target Audience:

Public Sector: psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, social workers, occupational therapists, peer specialists, families, and others

Conference Description:

Didactic presentations inclusive of Q&A components focused on the interfaces between mental illness and dangerousness.

Overall Conference Goal:

To provide healthcare providers with evidence based information on the interfaces between mental illness and dangerousness.

Overall Conference Objectives:

  1. Better assess and treat a dangerous, mentally ill individual.
  2. Formulate the relationships between the mental health and criminal justice systems.
  3. State resources available in the management of dangerous, mentally ill individuals.

Conference Speakers & Topics:

Where Mental Illness and Violence Intersect: When Symptoms of Mental Illness Remit, Why Do We Still Have Violence and What Should We Do About It?

David Adams, EdD
Co-Director, Emerge

Where Mental Illness and Violence Intersect: Treatment Approaches to Persons with Psychosis and Violence

Xiaoduo Fan, MD, MPH
Director, Psychotic Disorders Clinical & Research
UMass Department of Psychiatry

Where Mental Illness and Violence Intersect: A View from the District Attorney's Office

Al Grudzinskas, Jr, JD
Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry in Law
Assistant Coordinator of Law and Psychiatry for Legal Studies, UMass Chan

Where Mental Illness and Violence Intersect: A Family Perspective

Mr. Joe Bruce
of Caratunk, Maine

Where Mental Illness and Violence Intersect: Role and Resources of SAMHSA for Prevention of Violence Involving Persons with Mental Illness and/or Substance Abuse

Kathryn Power, MEd
SAMHSA Regional Administrator

Where Mental Illness and Violence Intersect: Working with Clients who Present with Complex Self-Harm and Aggression

Barry Walsh, PhD, LICSW
Executive Director Emeritus and Senior Clinical Consultant
The Bridge of Central Massachusetts


WRCH Psychiatry Grand Rounds:
How to Get Systems to Acknowledge Trauma Exposure and Its Impact on Mental Health, and Then Do Something About It

Robyn Gobin, PhD
Assistant Professor
The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Master of Public Health at Illinois

Registration Fee: $160. Registrations should not be mailed unless receipt can be guaranteed by June 7, 2016. On-site registration: $175.

Group and Discounted Fee: $110. Employees of the Department of Mental Health are offered a discounted rate of $110. Institutions and organizations that enroll 5 or more persons at the same time are offered a discounted rate of $110.

This fee for this educational event is tax-deductible.

Deadline: Pre-registration will be closed when space is full or at 5 p.m. on Friday, June 3, 2016 at the latest. Registration should not be mailed unless receipt before that time is guaranteed. On-site registration will not be accepted when space is full—so register early.

Cancellation Policy: If you cancel your registration before May 17, 2016 your fee is refundable less a $25 processing charge. After that date, no refunds will be given for any reason—including weather and other emergencies. Substitutions are always acceptable with prior notification.

Weather Emergency Policy: While the probability of delay or cancellation of the conference is highly unlikely, we recognize that we are all subject to the vagaries of New England weather. If a weather emergency does occur, and you are in doubt as to whether or not the course will be held, call (508) 368-0704 before 4 p.m. on Monday, June 13, 2016.

Comfort: Business casual is very appropriate for this conference. Although every attempt will be made to ensure the comfort of our attendees, we suggest that you may wish to bring a sweater/jacket if you tend to be chilly.

Further Information and Special Needs: Conference site is an accessible, barrier-free location. Individuals with visual and/or hearing impairments, call (508) 368-0704 for assistance.

Statement on Faculty Disclosure: In accordance with the standard and the criteria set forth by the ANCC COA, speakers are asked to disclose the absence or presence of any relationship they have to companies producing pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, prosthetics, etc. that might be germane to the content of their lecture. Such disclosure is not intended to suggest or condone bias in the presentation, but is elicit to provide the attendees with information that might be of potential importance to them. No relevant conflicts of interest have been identified by the presenter or any members of the planning committee.

Continuing Education (CE) Credits:
In order to receive continuing education credit or contact hours for an event, participants MUST sign in, MUST remain for the entire program, and MUST submit an evaluation upon the conclusion of the program.


In accordance with the standard and the criteria set forth by the ANCC COA, speakers are asked to disclose the absence or presence of any relationship they have to companies producing pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, prosthetics, etc. that might be germane to the content of their lecture. Such disclosure is not intended to suggest or condone bias in the presentation, but is elicit to provide the attendees with information that might be of potential importance to them.

Dr. Fan has disclosed that he serves as a consultant on the Advisory Board at Allergan. Dr. Fan identifies he has received research support from Neruocrine, Janssen, Alkermans, Otsuka, and Avanir.

Nursing: Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Mental Health, Central Massachusetts-Worcester Recovery Center and Hospital is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Association Massachusetts, an accredited approver of American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.

This Continuing Education Activity carries 5.5 contact hours.

Social Work: This Department of Mental Health is approved to award continuing education to social workers.

Number of contact hours 5.5 Approval number #061416A

Psychologists: Department of Mental Health-Central Massachusetts Area is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Department of Mental Health-Central Massachusetts Area maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

Number of CE Hours/Credits: 5.5.