Student Evaluations of the Curriculum Policy
Student feedback on the curriculum is highly valued at UMASS Chan Medical School. Timely feedback allows real-time quality improvement to occur.
- Each student is REQUIRED to submit to the Office of Educational Affairs completed final evaluations for every course within two weeks of the end date of the course.
- Additionally, Time-based/Longitudinal evaluations (end of semester and end of year) are due 2 weeks from the date of release to the student. Completion of evaluations will be tracked by IREA.
- A professionalism warning will completed by the appropriate assistant dean when a student has not completed their evaluation within the two week time interval.
- If two infractions occur within a curricular phase (Discovery, Exploration or Horizon, FOM2, CCE & AS), mandatory meeting with the appropriate assistant dean for that phase must occur and the following two things may occur at the discretion of the ADSA:
- Reported in MSPE
- The Asst Dean file a tier one honor code violation
- The ADSA - in conjunction with the chair of the honor board - would determine if an honor board should be convened.
AUG 30 2022 | cjb