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Instructions for Submitting Content to the UMass Chan Medical School Faculty NewsWire

The UMass Chan Medical School Faculty NewsWire facilitates communication with the faculty at the UMass Chan Medical School.

Communications Criteria:

  • The request is sponsored in whole or part by a UMass Chan Medical School department, program, center or organization (e.g., Student Body Committee).
  • Subject matter is appropriate for distribution to faculty-at-large (Note: if the announcement pertains to a broader audience – staff, students, & faculty – contact the Office of Communications for distribution at
  • No file attachments are permitted. Hyperlinks to webpages or online content are permitted; however, the requestor or sponsor is responsible for posting content online.
  • Faculty surveys are not permitted.


Request inclusion of your announcement or event HERE. See below for required information.

  • Title of subject matter  
  • Speaker Name (if relevant)
  • Deadline Date or Event Dates, Time & Location
  • Name of Sponsoring Department(s) with contact person email
  • 1 to 2 sentences describing the announcement or event
  • Hyperlinks to online resources (i.e. websites for additional information)

Note: The Office of Faculty Affairs retains the right to edit or reject announcements as necessary

Posting Frequency

NewsWire is distributed 1-2x per month. Requested announcements/events will be included in the next NewsWire edition following an initial request, and in subsequent issues until the event or deadline ends. Please submit requests at least a month prior to an event or deadline to ensure timely inclusion in the newsletter.