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Faculty Development: Resources

The following are resources to assist faculty in curricular innovation, course leadership and professional development as educators.

Take this free one hour course to explore "Unconscious Bias in Medicine" and learn strategies to address the impact, click here

Course Leadership

UMass Chan Student Perspectives on Course Structure (2010)
Executive Summary Authors: Joel Bradley & Andrew Walls

LInC Course and Clerkship Leadership Guide (2020)

Curriculum Development and Teaching

UMass Chan Student Perspectives on Small Group Teaching (2010)
Executive Summary Authors: Diana Robillard & Laura Spring

UMass Chan Student Perspectives on Lecturing (2010)
Executive summary Authors: Andrew Walls & Joel Bradley

Model powerpoint teaching slides
Courtesy of Dr. Bill Royer

Curriculum Development for Medical education:

An introduction to medical teaching:

Medical Education Literature

Dependable Reviews of Medical Education Research Literature (DR MERL)

A discussion at the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Medical Education Research Interest Group (MERIG) on the need for teaching faculty to keep up with the medical education literature was the impetus for DR MERL (Dependable Reviews of Medical Education Research Literature). The initial goal was to disseminate succinct reviews of medical education research to teaching faculty to keep them up-to-date on the most important medical education research. Reach expanded to medical educators throughout the country after receiving endorsement from the Northeast Group on Education Affairs (NEGEA).

Resource List to Increase Student Comprehension

Christine Woolf PhD


Learning to Heal:  an engaging history of American Medical Education

 modified 11.20.18 | cjb