Vista Curriculum
- Vista | At a Glance
- Vista Highlights
- Vista Assessments
- Vista Leadership Roles
- Vista Curriculum Committees
- Vista Longitudinal Leadership
- Discovery Phase
- Explorations Phase
- Horizons Phase
- Parallel Programs and Pathways
- Vista Development Content
- LInC Curriculum
- Climate Change Curriculum
- Optional Curricular Opportunities
- UMass Chan Educational Objectives
Vista Curriculum
- Vista | At a Glance
- Vista Highlights
- Vista Assessments
- Vista Leadership Roles
- Vista Curriculum Committees
- Vista Longitudinal Leadership
- Discovery Phase
- Explorations Phase
- Horizons Phase
- Parallel Programs and Pathways
- Vista Development Content
- LInC Curriculum
- Climate Change Curriculum
- Optional Curricular Opportunities
- UMass Chan Educational Objectives
Overview of the process for global health experiences
- Global health experience: Any global health learning experience during medical school (including summer experiences after 1st year, Flexible Clinical Electives in 3rd year, and 4th + 5th year electives). Global health experiences include all types of global health experiences (including clinical, research, public health, community service, cultural and language training).
- Host Institution: The institution, organization, agency, school or entity where the UMass Chan student will complete the global health experience
- Supervisor at the Host Institution: Typically the individual at the Host Institution who is aware of the student's learning objectives, is responsible supervising the student during the global health experience, and is a contact person at the Host Institution for any questions.
- OGH: UMass Chan Office of Global Health
- OSA: UMass Chan Office of Student Affairs
- OUME: UMass Chan Office of Undergraduate Medical Education
- UMass Chan Elective Advisor: A UMass Chan faculty member who agrees to be the student's advisor for the global health experience
Types of Agreements between UMass Chan and the Host Institution
- LOA: Letter of Agreement (typically valid for 1 year. New sites typically complete an LOA before an MOU)
- MOU: Memorandum of Understanding (typically valid for 3 years)
- GHEN: Global Health Experience Notice (only for global health experiences at a Host Institution that don't have an MOU or LOA, and do not have a clinical component to the global health experience)
Responsibilities of the UMass Chan Elective Advisor
- Before the student experience: Review the description of the student's global health experience and learning objectives, and deem that they are appropriate for the student's level of training.
- During the student experience: Act as student’s contact at UMass Chan for questions or concerns that cannot be addressed by the Supervisor at the Host Institution while the student is participating in the global health experience.
- After the student experience:
- Review the International and Intercultural Education Opportunities Form, which the student completes at the end of the global health experience. This form provides basic information about the global health experience, which can help UMass Chan and future students.
- Review the Global Health Reflection which is written by the student towards the end of the global health experience, and provides the student the opportunity to reflect on what they have learned from the experience.