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UMass Chan CMS Blog

Modal Video Block

Thursday, March 09, 2023

The Modal Video block allows editors to place videos on their pages that open in a modal window when clicked. This allows the placement of the video to be in smaller areas of the page and pop open to view in a larger format. This block does not automatically select a thumbnail, rather it lets the editor set an image of their choosing for the thumbnail.

Examples >   Video Tutorial

Before creating this block, there are 2 steps:

  1. you will want to upload a thumbnail image to the CMS media assets for your video
  2. Copy the URL to the video

Create a new block

In a dropblock area on your page, or under your folder in the block pane, create a new block 
[user guide: create a new block]

  • Choose Modal Video Block
  • Add a "Name" and click the create button
    • If you created the block directly on the page, you are brought back to you page, click the "..." on your new block to edit it
      screen shot showing where to click to bring up the block editor  ...

Properties on the page

[user guide: properties view]

  • You will then be prompted to fill in the 2 required fields:
    • Thumbnail image - this is an image you uploaded to the media assets
    • Link to Video


Editing the Block 

In the Content tab: 

  • A title and/or a subtitle can be added which will display above the video thumbnail
  • A description/summary can be added which displays below the video thumbnail

On a content page, add the new image gallery block to a drop block area. The width of the block can be changed if needed, see:

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