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Our Schedule: 4+1


Our 4+1 schedule consists of a 4-week block of either service, elective, ICU, or night float, followed by 1 week of ambulatory. The 4-week inpatient blocks can be one unified service rotation, or a combination of different rotations, as illustrated above. Consolidating our ambulatory experience into these one-week blocks has many advantages, including:

  • Emphasizes a longitudinal curriculum spread over the three years
  • Keeps the team together during inpatient rotations, since no member of the team leaves for clinic
  • Allows for residents to have 2 free weekend days every 5 weeks

The schedule for our preliminary interns is very similar to that of our categorical intern, following a 4+1 pattern.

Typical breakdown or rotations per PGY year, in average number of weeks:
