Women in Internal Medicine Group
Women historically have and continue to face unique issues of equity while pursuing careers in medicine, including but not limited to equitable pay, bias as related to gender and age, expectations of child rearing, career promotions, and lack of representation in academia. These disparities were the topic of discussion at a UMass Chan Medical School Department of Medicine Grand Rounds given by Julie Silver, MD, associate professor of physical medicine and rehabilitation at Harvard Medical School.
In the face of systematic disparities, the UMass Chan Internal Medicine Residency continues to promote a culture of strong female leadership. With many female leaders within our residency, the Department of Medicine and UMass Chan, it is apparent that UMass Chan strives to promote women in academic medicine. The Department of Medicine at UMass Chan is also fortunate to have Lauren Feld, MD, assistant professor of medicine in the Division of Gastroenterology and diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging executive in the Department of Medicine, who advocates for research and advancements in workforce equity.
The UMass Chan Women in Internal Medicine Group was started with the following goals in mind:
- To provide a space for women in medicine to support each other
- To identify and address the professional barriers that women in medicine face
- To foster mentorship by creating a network for women to connect with each other
- To examine and discuss personal life challenges women in medicine face, such as fertility, childcare and pregnancy
- Career Advancement
- Events directed at increasing ways for women to advance their careers and advocate for themselves in the workplace
- Work-Life Balance
- Events dedicated toward balancing being a woman in medicine while managing other life responsibilities (e.g., home life, child rearing)
- Wellness
- Events focused on cultivating well-being among faculty and resident trainees
Recent events:
Fall Event in October 2024

Intern Orientation Event in June 2024

Kickoff event in February 2023

Intern welcome in June 2023

Intern welcome in June 2023

Wine and cheese social in September 2023

About us:

Brittany Tran, MD and Elizabeth Murphy, MD, FACP
Elizabeth Murphy, MD, FACP
Dr. Murphy is the UMass Chan Primary Care Track program director. She received her MD at Boston University School of Medicine, came to UMass Chan in 1995 for her internship, and has not left! Throughout her years at UMass Chan, Dr. Murphy has felt extremely supported in her personal and career goals. The Internal Medicine Residency and the Department of Medicine provided her with many opportunities to achieve her academic and professional interests while giving her the flexibility to be an involved mother to her two sons, who are now adults. With the creation of the Women in Internal Medicine Group, Dr. Murphy is excited to have a place to share her experiences of being a woman in medicine with trainees and junior faculty and pay back the support she has been fortunate to receive throughout her career. She can be contacted at elizabeth.murphy@umassmemorial.org.
Brittany Tran, MD
Dr. Tran is a UMass Chan internal medicine resident. She received her MD at UMass Chan Medical School in 2022 and stayed on for her Internal Medicine Residency. Dr. Tran was inspired by the women who taught and mentored her during her years in medical school and was ecstatic to see women physicians flourishing in academic roles within the Internal Medicine Residency. She is thrilled that the Women in Internal Medicine Group will motivate trainees to achieve their career goals while celebrating what it means to be a woman in medicine. She can be contacted at brittany.tran@umassmemorial.org.