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Our Primary Care residents will benefit from our robust Categorial Ambulatory Curriculum, as well as a separate three-year Primary Care Core Curriculum.


Categorical Ambulatory Core Curriculum

Thursday Morning didactic sessions are held for all Ambulatory Week Residents. A three-year revolving curriculum includes Primary Care Topics (Prevention/Screening, Acute Care, Chronic Care), Geriatrics Core Curriculum, Quality Improvement, Medical Specialty Curriculum, High-Value Care, Health Care Disparities, and Evidence-Based Medicine. A variety of teaching formats are used, including case-based, MKSAP embedded questions, Medical Jeopardy, and workshop format. All curriculum is housed on a Google Site to provide mobile access for our residents. 

Primary Care Core Curriculum

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At least one morning per Ambulatory cycle, Primary Care Residents meet separately from their categorical colleagues for a specialized Primary Care Curriculum and community building. These interactive teaching sessions are run by Primary Care Residency Core faculty, members of the Division of General Internal Medicine, Chief Residents, and other established clinician-educators and medical school faculty. Topics are distributed among the following areas: Ambulatory Medicine, Preventive Health, Panel Management, Practice of Medicine, Business of Medicine, Medical Education, Leadership, Career Development, and Humanities. Primary Care residents deliver one topic of their choice to their peers each year. Faculty assist them in their preparation to ensure goals, objectives, delivery methods, and evaluation methods are incorporated into their topic planning. Ambulatory Procedure Sessions are also done in the UMass Chan simulation center.

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Dr. Weinstein with PGY1 students