All About Grades
FOM1, FOM2 and Non-clinical Advanced Studies: Final course grades are computed by course co-leaders and submitted to IREA, who then upload to PeopleSoft. All FOM course co-leaders utilizing IREA services are required to sign off on final course grades indicating they approve student grades. The final grades authorization form will be sent by IREA via email to the course administrator and course co-leaders for signature by all course co- leaders for that respective course. Once received by IREA, course final grades will be uploaded to PeopleSoft within the standard 3-day turnaround timeframe. At this point, students can see their official final grade. IREA allows 3 days for course co-leaders to make any further adjustments before posting the final grade to the Registrar’s office. After posting to the Registrar’s office, any additional grade changes must be made directly with the Registrar’s Office.
Final grades are available to students in PeopleSoft as soon as they are posted. Some courses choose to also notify students about grades by direct email, Blackboard, ExamSoft, and/or OASIS. If students have any problems with or questions regarding access to exam grades via Gradebook on PeopleSoftDirect them to contact the UMass Chan Chan Help Desk - telephone: 6-8643.
Core Clinical Experiences (CCE) and Acting Internships: Student Performance Evaluation (SPE) forms for clerkships and acting internships were revised and implemented in May 2021. The new form is based on achieving the UMass Chan Chan Educational Objectives and raters select the student performance based on a defined competency level.
In November 2020, the Education Policy Committee (EPC) approved the policy that Advanced studies rotation grades will be due 4 weeks from the final day of rotation. CCE SPEs must be completed within four weeks and final grades within five weeks of the end of the rotation. The OUME monitors the grade turnaround time. Contact Mirela Skaka for more information.
Clerkships can submit preliminary grades in SharePoint in the event that final grades rely on shared assessments that do not occur within the 5- week timeframe. These should be finalized within 4 weeks of the shared assessment. Final course grades are computed by clerkship leaders or their representatives who submit into OASIS, with automated feed to PeopleSoft (system of record).
Any students who have difficulty within a course (no credit, credit marginal or other performance issues) must be formally notified in writing (email is sufficient) with a copy to the student's learning community mentor to promote follow-up and appropriate support from course leaders, faculty, and the Center for Academic Achievement (CAA). This should happen within 1 week of grade determination, and at other relevant times in the semester, for instance, after individual assessments.
Basic and Clinical Science Academic Evaluation Boards (BSAEB/CSAEB): These boards include the leaders of each course or clerkship as well as ex-officio members. The BSAEB serves for FOM1 and FOM2, the CSAEB serves for CCE and AS. It is the boards’ responsibility to periodically review student academic records to recommend students to the Progress Board for academic advancement, remediation or dismissal, to consider any extenuating circumstances which may have contributed to academic performance, and to determine the nature and process of academic make-up and remediation, if possible, for students who have not satisfactorily completed all academic requirements. (see Student Handbook). These boards are managed by the Office of Student Life.
Remediation: Remediation is determined by the course and clerkship leaders in conjunction with the appropriate Academic Evaluation Board and is tailored to the student's learning need. Students receiving a grade of less than Credit (CR) on any element of a course or clerkship may be discussed at a Basic or Clinical Sciences Academic Evaluation Board meeting with regard to the plan for the remediation of that grade. All required clerkships during the clinical years must be passed. Any grade of “Fail” on a required clerkship requires the repetition of the full clerkship. Any basic science course with a grade of NCR must be repeated unless course leaders and the BSAEB permit an attempt at remediation. For additional information regarding remediation policies see the medical school student handbook.