Course and Clerkship Leaders Guide
The LInC Course and Clerkship Leadership Guide is designed to provide basic information to you as course and clerkship leaders, with links to more detailed resources. The creation of this guide has been a collaborative effort among the Offices of Undergraduate Medical Education (OUME), Institutional Research, Evaluation and Assessment (IREA) and Academic Instructional Design & Technology (AIDT). This leadership guide is organized by course and clerkship development topics. Please click on images below to learn more.
The University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School seeks to provide a learning environment that is safe and supportive, including during this COVID-19 pandemic. Institutional policies and practices have been developed to promote healthy learning and are adjusted to reflect ongoing change in public health and scientific discovery. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is complex and affects individuals in different ways. Learners build competence through a blend of independent and group learning experiences using a variety of settings and modalities. Accommodations processes and policies are in place to address personal medical circumstances that may impact a learner’s ability to participate in the curriculum. As you begin or update your courses, please reference the university's COVID website for more information and updates. For medical students’ updated information, please go to this website and you can access tips and tools for teaching across the OUME website.