Leadership Meetings
Attendance at Curriculum Committee meetings (monthly): Meetings provide a venue for course and clerkship leaders to share ideas, problem-solve, receive faculty development, discuss policy, plan calendars, present and provide peer review on course and clerkship reviews, learn of new initiatives, etc. and are thus are critical to the co-leadership role. See a listing of curriculum committees. Note: invitations are extended to all course co-leaders for each meeting and all are encouraged to attend, though responsibilities may be shared to ensure at least one course leader represents the team at each meeting.
Annual UMass Chan Medical School EPC curriculum retreats, and targeted course and clerkship leaders mini-retreats (2-3 times per year): Retreats serve as a mechanism for deeper review of topics covered in curriculum committees and to work across courses, curriculum years, schools and disciplines; expectation is that course leaders will make every effort to attend.
Meetings with Department Chairs (annually): Course and clerkship co-leaders should meet with the chairs of the departments who sponsor their courses to review course evaluation reports, student feedback, faculty performance, course administration issues and plans for change in subsequent years. Chairs should be kept aware of course progress and issues throughout course delivery as necessary. In case of clerkships, Chairs should be appraised of both clerkship-specific and coordinated thematic section issues.
Faculty, Staff and Student Educator List: The OUME maintains a list of educators and administrators to facilitate communication and coordination. The educators list is available by the Worcester and Baystate campuses.