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Heidi A. Tissenbaum, Ph.D.

Ph.D: 1997, Harvard Medical School
Post-Doctoral Research: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Office: UMass Chan Medical School
364 Plantation Street, LRB-621
Worcester, MA 01605
Phone: 508-856-5840


We age. Some of us age better than others. Some of us show prolonged health. Our research focuses on understanding the fundamental processes that define how we age. We use a combination of molecular biology, genetics, biochemistry, and genomics to define: what contributes to lifespan? What defines healthy aging (healthspan)? What dictates metabolic health? How does the environment contribute? What about nutrition/diet? Overall, we want to determine the critical pathways/genes that define health. 

Rotation Projects

Graduate students are encouraged to contact Heidi Tissenbaum to discuss projects available for rotations. Each student has a project tailored for both their abilities and class time commitments. 

Positions Available

Please contact Heidi Tissenbaum for available positions.